Prophecies from the Lord

Prophecy about the laziness of church going people

My people is lazy and unfruitful. Where is My fruit, asks the Lord, where is the wheat gaithered by you, how many souls have you won for Me? Your room is empty; it is empty because you have neglected prayer in your room. Instead, you enjoy yourself and have fun like the world does, in your room, you do business and enjoy the things of the world. Your room is empty because I, the Lord am not living together with idols. You have forsaken your first love that I gave you, because, I, the Lord have loved you first. How will you present before Me, with no soul won for My Kingdom? I, the Lord, love you and gave everything for you, I gave my blood for your salvation. You told me that you love Me and you said "I give You my heart..." But I know you better and I know your deeds and I want to give you the first love, if you want it.
... to be continued...

Prophecy about TV watching people

People who are addicted to TV will have sores.

Prophecy about people who want to be baptised in the Holy Spirit

Seek God and drink from the Spirit, as you need to drink water daily.
Be obedient to God and He will fill you with Living Water.

Prophecy about praying for kings of the earth

I went to a prayer meeting and after the prayer meeting, God told me: "I have made you a king. But if you want the blessings of a king, pray for other kings, and I will give you the blessings due to a king."

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